Are cars powered by electricity and hydrogen really better for the planet than biofuels? Many scientists and environmentalists agree that the benefits to the environment from the first generation of biofuels were grossly exaggerated. Many also say that Europe’s ambitious goal of replacing 10 percent of gasoline and diesel with biofuels is misguided. — Business of Green, International Herald Tribune

Congo’s rare okapi photographed first time in wild. Congo’s endangered okapi, so shy it has not been seen in its natural habitat for 50 years by conservationists, has been photographed in the wild for the first time, the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) has revealed. The okapi has stripes like a zebra and a black tongue like a giraffe. — Reuters

Greenpeace activists acquitted after using climate change as a defense. A British jury yesterday acquitted the so-called “Kingsnorth Six,” saying that the Greenpeace activists were justified in attempting to shut down a large coal-fired power plant because they were trying to prevent greater damage being done to the planet from global warming. — Yale Environment 360

Tiny Australian frog thought extinct rediscovered. A doctoral student at Queensland’s JCU  in far north Queensland has rediscovered a tiny frog species thought by many experts to be extinct. The 1.5 inch-long Armoured Mistfrog had not been seen since 1991, and many experts assumed it had been wiped out by a devastating fungus. — Environmental News Network