Here is Crikey’s list of working journalists who have worked for politicians. For any additions or corrections please email Alford: West Australian, Herald Sun, Jeff Kennett, Australian
Dennis Atkins: Wayne Goss, Courier Mail, SMH, NSW Labor Education minister Rod Cavalier
Paul Bailey: Sydney Morning Herald, Bulletin editor.
Mark Bannerman: Ten, John Button, ABC.
David Barnett: Australian, Malcolm Fraser, Bulletin, freelance.
Andrew Bolt: Melbourne Herald, Bob Collins, Herald Sun.
Tom Burton: SMH, Michael Duffy, Department of Communications, SMH, Fin Review, SMH
Barrie Cassidy: ABC, Bob Hawke, Ten, ABC Television (presenter Insiders)
Gabriell Chan: Australian, Peter Collins, freelance
Peter Coster: Melbourne Herald, Andrew Peacock, Herald Sun
Julianne Davies: John Cain, Age, The Bulletin
Joel Deane: Herald Sun, John Brumby, San Francisco Television, Steve Bracks
Michael Doyle: The Age, Melbourne Herald, John Cain, ABC Television
Michael Dwyer: Tom Uren, Financial Review
Bernie Freedman: Federal Immigration department, Jewish News
Darren Goodsir: Qld Labor MP Bob Gibbs, Sun Herald
Kate Hannon: Laurie Brereton, News Ltd, Mike Rann
Michael Harvey: Melbourne Herald, Vic ALP MP David White, Herald Sun
Paul Heinrichs: John Cain, Age
Nick Hordern: AFR, Reith, AFR
Hugo Kelly: The Age, Brian Howe, Richard Ellis, Crikey
Christian Kerr: Christopher Pyne, Robert Hill, Amanda Vanstone, John Olsen, Balderstone Hornibrook, Crikey
Rebecca Lang: Herald Sun, AAP, Phil Koperberg, Bob Debus (NSW ALP), Sydney Express, Sun Herald, North Shore Times, Sunday Telegraph
Michael Magazanik: The Age, Duncan Kerr, Australian, ABC Television, Victorian Parliament
Terry Maher: AFR, Alan Stockdale, Melbourne Times, Zeitgeist, Carlton PR firm, Crikey (occasionally)
Stephen Mayne: Herald Sun, Age, Jeff Kennett, Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph, Fin Review, The Eye, Crikey
John McCarthy: Nick Greiner, Courier Mail
Paddy McGuinness: Bill Hayden, Fin Review, Age, SMH, Quadrant
Frank McGuire: Melbourne Herald, John Cain, Ten, ABC, McGuire Media, Natasha Stott Despoja
Glen Mitchell: The Australian, Phil Gude (Vic Liberal), International Public Relations, Herald Sun
Ian Munro: Sun News Pictorial, Joan Kirner, The Age
Kevin Norbury: Dick Hamer, The Age
Kerry O’Brien: Gough Whitlam/Lionel Bowen, ABC Television, Ten, ABC Television (presenter 7.30 Report)
Jim O’Rourke: Telegraph, Jocelyn Newman, Sun Herald
Nick Papps: Adelaide Advertiser, John Olsen, Herald Sun
Christopher Pearson: Adelaide Review, John Howard, Fin Review, The Age, The Australian
Alan Ramsey: SMH, Bill Hayden, SMH.
Tim Rumble: Kerry Chikarovski, Sun Herald
Mark Scott: NSW Lib Education Minister Terry Metherell, SMH, head of metro papers at Fairfax
Dennis Shanahan: NSW Liberal, The Australian
Paul Syvret: SMH, Fin Review, Qld Treasurer David Hamill, Bulletin, Courier Mail
Gary Tippett: Sun News Pictorial, Joan Kirner, The Age
Paola Totaro: SMH, Bob Carr, Telegraph, SMH
David Turnbull: Channel 10, John Hewson, Nine
Andrew West: Federal ALP MP Jeanette McHugh, Sun Herald, Bob Carr book
David Wilson: Australian, Jeff Kennett, Sunday Herald Sun

Additions and corrections to