Mia quits Fairfax — for now? Mia Freedman keeps denying News Limited is circling her mother of a website, as Crikey first reported last week, but we’ve spotted two new clues. The popular blogger, Sky News host and former Cleo editor disappeared from Fairfax’s Sunday Life lift-out yesterday, where she’s had a long-running weekly column, replaced by ABC music head Myf Warhurst. The magazine says on Twitter Mia is taking “a little break” — but for how long?

Meanwhile, we couldn’t help but notice some cross-posting from News Ltd broadsheet The Australian last week — Bernard Salt’s piece on manners was reposted on Mamamia where 360-plus faithful readers have commented. The first of many cross-pollinated News columns, no doubt, if John Hartigan was to get his paws on the popular portal.

Unfortunate headline placement of the day. Today’s NT News places a most unfortunate, large headline under a commendable front page story about how asylum seeker Abdul Mutalib has found a place for himself in the Top End:

Front page of the day. Things are heating up for the Occupy Wall Street movement and today’s New York Post is all doom and gloom:

The Department of Corrections. Sometimes newspaper’s mistakes are the darnedest things: the October 14 edition of the Philadelphia Daily News puts its hand up for a goofy — yet hilarious — mistake …

Sky backed for Australia Network

“The assessment panel was due to reach its decision on the second tender by September 16. It is understood the four-member assessment panel unanimously supported the Sky News tender over the ABC, citing its superior plans to establish special programming for services to China and the Middle East.” — The Australian

Conroy to loosen rules on local radio stations

“Local radio stations will be able to more easily cut resources after ownership changes, media minster Stephen Conroy has indicated.” — mUmBRELLA

Kerry Stokes taken to hospital after Telethon fall

“Seven West Media boss Kerry Stokes was rushed to hospital in Perth last night moments before he was due to hand over a personal cheque for $1.5 million at the annual Telethon.” — TV Tonight

Another investor joins the ‘dump Murdoch’ chorus

“In the lead-up to next Friday’s News Corp. stockholders’ meeting, several major investors have begun voicing the once-unthinkable: Let’s take control of the company away from Rupert Murdoch and his clan. Today, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, which apparently owns between 4 and 6 million non-voting News Corp. shares, joined in.” — New York Magazine

NYT.com: ‘incredibly surprising’ growth in unique users

“The number of unique users recorded last month by The New York Times website in the US increased by 2.3 per cent year-on-year, despite the introduction of digital subscriptions in March this year.” — journalism.co.uk