The top 15 brands on Twitter. Ever wondered how much big brands are really discussed on Twitter? “What the Trend” is a crowd-sourced trend definition service for the Twittersphere from social media management company HootSuite, and it has just published this list of the top 15 brands on Twitter.

It proves everyone that uses Twitter likes talking about Twitter, but there’s also plenty of chatter about the world’s largest brands. Hootsuite says the list is based on an algorithm that awards points based on the rank and duration spent on the top 10, using data from more than 500,000 trends that appeared on

Charis Palmer of Technology Spectator

A bad morning for the SMH online. Here in the glass house of Crikey we don’t like necessarily throwing stones when it comes to typos. However … This morning’s Sydney Morning Herald online — specifically its Business Day section — had not one, nor two, but three howlers in the headlines of three separate stories.

Front page of the day. Cars, and the automobile industry at large, is all the talk in the US city of Detroit this week. Today’s Detroit News doesn’t, however, carry on its front page the news that Ford’s Australia-based operations have been backed by the Australian government until at least 2016.

The Department of Corrections. Today’s Sydney Morning Herald print edition corrects the record on a ballooning error …

Ten dumps 90-minute news

“Network Ten has dumped its 90-minute news bulletin as it launches its 2012 season three weeks before the official ratings period starts. ” — The Australian

Decoding the New Hampshire primary coverage

“While our colleagues on the Politics staff are reporting on the Republican presidential primary in New Hampshire, Brian Stelter and David Carr will be describing the media coverage, how journalism and politics mix and mingle and occasionally get mangled.” — The New York Times

Ex-Scotland Yard officer arrested in press leaks probe

“A former Scotland Yard officer has been bailed by the Independent Police Complaints Commission after his arrest over allegations of unauthorised leaks to a journalist.” — The Guardian

New Republic explores sale

“The owners of the New Republic, long a fixture in political journalism, are exploring a possible sale of the publication and have hired a financial adviser, people familiar with the matter said.” — Wall Street Journal

Guardian starts charging 280,000 iPad readers

“Starting Friday, The Guardian, a stalwart of free content, will find out just how many people will pay to read its news on tablets.” — Paid Content