So, it has come to this, has it, Labor insiders ask? After eleven years in Opposition, the best Labor can muster is to agree with the other lot. Eleven years of the unbearable lightness of being.

Sure, it is pragmatic and yes, have a look at those polls to prove it’s working. But after 11 years, is this all there is? Eleven years of change, 11 years of growth, 11 years of opportunity, 11 years of understanding, 11 years of events and 11 years of policy and all we get is, “I’m with that guy over there”?

Either the last 11 years have been a serious, serious waste – because hell, anyone can agree with the other guy – or this “I’m with that guy” strategy is all that’s left in an otherwise empty vessel. Labor had better win, because this is one hell of a last throw.

Can Labor have turned out so lazy? What has happened to Labor’s ability to think and act for themselves? Why are they just a shadow of ourselves? And how on earth did they allow the Tories to do this to them – to gut their ability to think?

No wonder there are insiders asking if they’re not just a tad ashamed that after 11 years, this is all that’s left?

Yep, nothing new on tax. Nothing new on welfare and poverty. Nothing new on the role and size of government. Nothing new, because there’s nothing new.

This is not New Labor, this is Neutered Labor. Sad but true.