As Americans hit the polls, here is our pick of this morning’s news and analysis:

Americans line up to vote. Long lines formed at polling places in many states Tuesday, as Barack Obama’s bid to become the first black president faced the final test of its two-year journey and Republican John McCain pressed for an Election Day upset. — MSNBC

25 key counties to watch. In presidential elections, not all counties are created equal. Generally, the counties that matter most are located in closely contested states, where they play a key role in determining the winner. Thus the most populous county in the U.S. — Los Angeles County, located in safely Democratic California — isn’t nearly as important in determining this election as the 95th largest county — Albuquerque’s Bernalillo County, the gateway to winning the swing state of New Mexico. — Politico

Americans electing a transformational president. For Australians as responsible international citizens, the victory is good and exciting. But in terms of traditional diplomatic currencies of national security and national interest, less so. For Obama has no reason to be particularly impressed by Australia. — Tony Kevin, Eureka Street

The world’s choice. Barack Obama goes into today’s vote with the overwhelming backing of the world beyond America’s borders in a presidential race that has gripped audiences like no election before. — The Times

And our favourite election day videos so far:

Saturday Night Live capped off their exemplary season of political satire with a special presidential bash, featuring the real John McCain and Sarah Palin, plus a wrap of their best election moments. See it all here.

Obama’s fires up his supporters with a rousing final speech.

John and Cindy McCain vote in Arizona.

Barack and Michelle Obama vote in Boston. Take their freaking time about it.

Sarah Palin and the First Dude vote in Alaska. Won’t say if she voted for disgraced senator Ted Stevens.