Here is Crikey’s list of journalists who have made it into senior management. For any additions or corrections please email, lists @

John Alexander Sydney Morning Herald (SMH), ACP CEO
Chris Anderson Fairfax, Optus CEO.
Eric Beecher SMH, Melb Herald, Text Media CEO
Fred Brenchley Australian Financial Review (AFR), Fairfax management, Australian, AFR, Bulletin.
John Byrne Melb Sun, various mining cos.
Ian Carroll ABC, ABC datacasting chief
Phil Chubb ABC, own company
Malcolm Colless News Ltd journalist, News Ltd management
Michael Costello somewhere, DFAT chief, ASX deputy CEO, Beazley
Ian Cross ABC, Lonely Planet TV
Garry Davey Adelaide Advertiser, STAR TV CEO
Geoff Dixon somewhere, Qantas operations director
Bruce Dover Melbourne Herald, News Interactive CEO.
Ian Forsyth ABC, TAC, Norwich Union retail chief.
Josh Frith Australian, own internet company
Ian Frykberg Nine, Sky, Super League, own business
Margaret Gee Age, publishing media guides
Michael Gill AFR, Fairfax Business Publications CEO.
Hugh Girner BRW, InvestorWeb board.
Robert Gottliebsen AFR, Chairman BRW Media
Steve Harris Age, Herald Sun, Age CEO
John Hartigan Daily Telegraph, News Ltd Editorial Chief
David Hickie SMH, own internet company
Les Hinton Adelaide Advertiser, News International CEO
Michael Hoy somewhere, dep CEO Fairfax, various boards
Greg Hywood AFR, SMH CEO
Heather Killen AFR, Yahoo.
David Koch Various, Money Management
Peter Maher BRW, mining cos.
Mark Maley Four Corners, Investorweb
Roy Miller Sunday Herald Sun, Gold Coast Bulletin GM.
Tom Mockeridge SMH, Keating, Foxtel CEO.
Mark Ryan Melb Sun, Westfield marketing chief
Michael Schildberger ABC, listed company
Stuart Simson The Age, Simson Media
Chris Skase Melbourne Sun, AFR, Qintex, Majorca
Max Suich Independent Monthly, Optus, somewhere
Greg Taylor Age, Age CEO.
David Walker Age, echoice Content director
Max Walsh AFR, Broadcom, Ten board, SMH, Bulletin
Michael Wilkinson Melb Herald, publishing
Peter Wylie Daily Mirror, GM Adelaide Advertiser