Sexy vegies. PETA has announced this year’s Sexiest Vegetarians. Red Hot Chili Peppers frontman Anthony Kiedis and British pop singer Leona Lewis took home gongs this year – both singers are vegans. Kiedis saying that watching a doco about factory farming of cows sealed the deal for him. — Ecorazzi 

Nude power. Environmental activists in London have stripped off for the cause, staging a nude bike ride through the city streets. The ride follows similar events in Washington DC and Barcelona. About 1,200 people took part. Clearly the moral of the story is if you want people to listen, take off your clothes! — Green Daily

McCain the greenie? Republic presidential candidate John McCain has shed his clean green image in recent days. First he announced he would lift the ban on offshore oil drilling in the US, before calling for the construction of 45 new nuclear reactors by 2030. While nuclear reactors don’t leave a carbon footprint, they do create nuclear waste which cannot be disposed of. — USA Today

Oh, Al! Environmental campaigner Al Gore is hot water again after it was revealed his electricity consumption has gone up again after he promised to cut down. Gore’s eight-bathroom house uses nearly 20 times the electricity of an average American house every year. But it’s ok – he drives a Prius. — The Australian