From the Crikey grapevine, the latest tips and rumours …

On leave to advise on their company?Crikey should ask,” writes one anonymous deep-throat, “whether there are any staffers working for the government while on leave without pay from companies who they can potentially assist in their adviser roles. I’ve heard that one ministerial adviser is on leave from a Big Four bank. If true, surely this is a massive conflict of interest and a breach of the completely ignored Code of Conduct for Ministerial Staff?” Perhaps, but who should we be asking? Let us know

Bullying at ASIC: it’s rife. Fairfax reported yesterday on high rates of bullying complaints inside markets regulator the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. But according to one insider, the story is much worse: “The statistics cited are incorrect and much higher — 32% and 23% respectively in 2011 and 2012 staff surveys.”

Free speech, health lobby style. A number of health groups, including the Cancer Council of Victoria, are hosting a forum on “alcohol advertising and young people: taking action” on June 11. It’s great to see such an important issue being debated, and the forum will be attended by public health figures, medical professionals and marketing experts. Only, there’s one group that won’t be there. At the very bottom of the flyer for the forum there’s this oddly worded caveat:

“Please note: This forum is for those working in public health and related areas, and is not open to the alcohol industry or its associates.”

Makes sense. You wouldn’t actually want to hear from the people whose advertising you want “take action” on, would you?

Police spit in our face. The things you find in court transcripts … From March in the Court of Criminal Appeal in New South Wales, a man was charged with one count of malicious damage because he “spat on a stainless steel seat in police dock”. The decision? “The evidence is not capable of proving beyond reasonable doubt that the applicant’s conduct had damaged the seat in question.” Beyond reasonable doubt, indeed. Your courts at work, folks.

*Heard anything that might interest Crikey? Send your tips to or use our guaranteed anonymous form