It seems that the issue of Brisbane-based Indian Doctor Mohamed Haneef was by far the most talked about issue across the airwaves this morning, and unsurprisingly, there were no reserved opinions from the shock jocks.

05:38 AM
Alan Jones – Breakfast – 2GB (Sydney)
Jones says the nit-wit who leads the Greens, Bob Brown, said it was dangerous for politicians to interfere with the judiciary, and believed the Howard Government always resorted to the fear-factor. Jones says he wonders how brain dead some of these people are. Jones says Haneef failed the character test, and notes he believes that that’s a judgement that governments must make. Jones says the ALP, “to their credit”, have supported the Govt. Jones says “well done Kevin Andrews”.

06:26 AM
Peter Dick and Ross Davie – Breakfast – 4BC (Brisbane)
Dick says “certain journos” and “a lot of people” feel the “business to retain” Doctor Mohamed Haneef is a political stunt. Davie says he does not think it is a political stunt and people are “led to believe” that Haneef was previously under surveillance.

07:14 AM
Grant Goldman – Grant Goldman – 2SM (Sydney)
Goldman says it is clever legal maneuvering of Kevin Andrews. Goldman asks if it is in our interest to keep the full court case going. He thinks it has taken too long and he wonders about the magnitude of any charges that could be laid. Goldman’s lawyers say the Govt had better have more than this.

07:33 AM
Red Symons – Breakfast – ABC 774 Melbourne (Melbourne)
Guest Jon Faine tells Symons the whole concept of someone invading Australia is odd, the whole defence policy. He mentions “we’ve just gone and spent squillions on fighter jets”, and questions what they will fight. Faine discusses the magistrate representing the case; she is an Aboriginal woman. Symons mentions it is Indian culture to lend phone SIM cards to one another. Faine says people leave SIMs behind when they travel not just in Indian culture.

07:36 AM
Mike Carlton and Peter FitzSimons – Breakfast – 2UE (Sydney)
Carlton is outraged: “so much for the presumption of innocence, so much for the Australian fair-go”. This is a Govt that likes locking people up: Cornelia Rau, Vivian Solon, David Hicks. Carlton calls Kevin Andrews a “clown”. Says it is “another victory for terrorists”.

08:11 AM
Alan Jones – Breakfast – 2GB (Sydney)
Jones says the galoot Bob Brown from the Greens criticises the Fed Govt decision to withdraw the visa from Mohamed Haneef. He says Kevin Andrews has done a first class job on this. Andrews says we need to protect the national interest and the security of Australians. Jones says Andrews has done that, and says he thanks him for it.

08:14 AM
Lisa Wilkinson and Karl Stefanovic – Today – Channel 9 (National)
Guest Steve Price says that Haneef could be a risk and he says that a risk should not be taken. However, Price concedes that the risk is low and Haneef could very well be innocent and would have preferred he go through the Queensland legal system instead of going through to Villawood Detention Centre. Price says that this could be a “mini Tampa”, judging by the way the Andrews and PM John Howard have acted.

08:55 AM
Grant Goldman – Grant Goldman – 2SM (Sydney)
Goldman says Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews has defended his decision to keep Mohamed Haneef behind bars. Goldman says “the Greenies, the Watermelon Party” say this amounts to trickery and has not happened in history. Goldman says it has. Andrews has concluded there is reasonable suspicion that Haneef has had an association with suspects in the failed bombings.

By contrast, it wasn’t the most pressing issue for all talkback hosts. Mike Frame in Canberra clearly had something more important in mind.

08:22 AM
Mike Frame – Breakfast – 2CC (Canberra)
Frame talks about a gossip magazine giving away free alcohol flavoured lip gloss to teenage readers. This has outraged drug and alcohol groups. Frame speaks with Paul Dillon, from Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia. Dillon finds this outrageous. The lip gloss has alcohol names and is not alcohol flavoured according to Dillon. He claims that this promotes and cements the role alcohol plays in Australian culture. Dillon calls on the community to stand up and say we do not need lip gloss with alcohol names. But in the remaining 16 minutes of the show, it seems that Peter Dick and Ross Davie over at 4BC in Brisbane had heard enough of Haneef themselves.

08:44 AM
Peter Dick and Ross Davie – Breakfast – 4BC (Brisbane)
Davie says things will go “pear shaped” for Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews and others if there is “nothing more than the SIM card”. Caller Simon asks Dick how he can fancy both Lavinia Nixon and Pamela Anderson.

It seems everyone wanted to have their say, even the reporters. 3AW Canberra News Reporter Alison Carabine infuriated one caller yesterday afternoon for presenting her “left-leaning” opinions. She was back at it this morning, and by 11.20am there was another caller in line to put her in her place.

11:20 AM
Neil Mitchell – Morning – 3AW (Melbourne)
Caller Chris says that if 3AW Canberra News Reporter Alison Carabine is a reporter, then how can she make opinion comments. Mitchell defends Carabine saying he asked her for her opinion and says she is also a commentator. He respects her opinions.

Summaries courtesy of Media Monitors.