Now the Daily Tele is ‘for the bush’. Following on from its prominent “We’re for Sydney” campaign, News Corp’s Sydney tabloids are now apparently “for the bush” …

Seven days after radio station 2GB launched its drought appeal, The Daily Telegraph has joined the effort, encouraging readers to enter any Commonwealth Bank branch to donate money to the Salvation Army, which will then distribute vouchers to farmers for food and fodder. The Commonwealth, which has agreed to collect the money (we’re not sure why this is necessarily — what’s wrong with the way people normally donate to the Salvos?), is lobbing in $50,000 to kick-start the whole thing. Metcash has donated another $15,000. 2GB’s listeners, however, have been by far the most generous — donating $200,000 to the appeal so far. The appeal comes just as Prime Minister Tony Abbott prepares to announce a relief package for the bush following his weekend in rural New South Wales and Queensland. — Myriam Robin

The Tele ‘toon treatment. The Daily Telegraph is campaigning equally hard for a second Sydney airport at Badgerys Creek, and woe betide any politician opposed to it. On Friday the triumvirate of Treasurer Joe Hockey, PM Tony Abbott and New South Wales Premier Barry O’Farrell were digitally transformed into Customs officials at an airport, with word balloons declaring their preferences on the airport (Hockey for, O’Farrell against and Abbott on the fence). This morning, the pollies who want the airport get the dignity of unaltered headshots, but O’Farrell has literally been turned into a cartoon …


Concern over Kickstarter hacking. Crowdfunding platform Kickstarter announced on Saturday hackers had breached its database and accessed to some of its customers’ data. Law enforcement officials contacted the company, whose mission is to help bring creative projects to life, on Wednesday night saying information that had been accessed without authority included user names, email addresses, phone numbers and encrypted passwords. Kickstarter chief executive Yancey Strickler posted on the company’s blog:

“No credit card data of any kind was accessed by hackers. There is no evidence of unauthorised activity of any kind on all but two users’ accounts.”

The company said it would be working to secure the two breached accounts and strongly recommended that users create a new password for their accounts, and other accounts where they used the same password. The CEO let the public know that Kickstarter does not store full credit card numbers, but collect the last four digits and expiration dates.

Since its launch in 2009 more than 5 million people have funded more than 50,000 creative projects, including art, technology, photography and film. Last November, Kickstarter opened to projects based in Australia and New Zealand. Crikey intern Luca Zuccaro

Front page of the day. We are very keen to find out what happened between this snake and this kangaroo …