Moving sport to digital channels makes sense

Mark Wallace writes: Re. “Nine bumps cricket to Gem” (yesterday). Can’t believe you guys are having a go at Nine for moving the Australia v Pakistan Cricket quarter final to Gem so they can show the NRL on Friday. Isn’t this exactly why we opened up the digital spectrum channels to the free-to-air networks in the first place? Has your memory deteriorated to such an extent that you don’t remember the days when Nine had the NRL, Ashes cricket from England AND Wimbledon, all of which occurred simultaneously? All of that meant that because they had exclusive rights, fans of two of those three events had to wait until the early hours of the morning to see a delayed telecast, or miss their favourite events altogether. Do you really think the cricket fans in this instance will miss the cricket, if that’s what they want to watch?

Radio for the bush

Mark Freeman writes: Re. “On media ownership reform, keep an eye on the court jesters” (yesterday). Regarding the matter of local content on regional radio and tv under media ownership laws —  there’s a simple fix. Sling the ABC a tied grant of a few million a year to maintain and upgrade rural and regional radio and TV. Keeps lots of people happy — ABC is the go to for actual info in the country anyway — especially radio. The major commercials can just pipe in their standard fare for the mass market and the government gets a low cost boost in the bush while keeping the moguls happy.

Getting the facts right on The Herald Sun

Kim Lockwood writes: Re. “Mayne: Hun happy to ignore handouts when it suits the Murdochs” (yesterday). For the umpteenth time, the Herald Sun is not Australia’s highest selling newspaper (see Mayne). The Sunday Telegraph is. The Hun is the highest selling daily.
