With the exception of The Australian Financial Review, every major newspaper in the country has put the execution of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran on its front page today.
The Courier-Mail, The Daily Telegraph and the Herald Sun ran off special early-morning editions to cover the latest news on the executions, which took pace in the early hours of the morning.
Meanwhile the West Australian, which runs only one time zone away from Jakarta, held back its edition until after the executions were confirmed shortly after 1am WA time.
The Australian focuses on the diplomatic impacts of the killings …
… while Fairfax metros The Age, the Sydney Morning Herald and The Canberra Times led on images of grief and anguish.
We have some responsibility to bear for the executions pic.twitter.com/KkyBLvFP9o
This article is beat-up absurdity. OF COURSE attitudes to the execution of the “Bali 9” ringleaders have changed over time. OF COURSE there is a difference between trial and summary execution and uncertain imprisionment for ten years, THEN enjoying the cruelty of encouraging hopeless legal battles before gleeful self- aggrandising murder. So,,,? What USEFUL comment could the writer offer?