Faction v faction

Niall Clugston writes: Re. “What’s so wrong with party disunity?” (yesterday). Who wrote that editorial? Obviously someone more Turnbullist than journalist. History is repeating with the all the predictability of a farce. Malcolm Turnbull is heading into the same turbulence that Julia Gillard did. Crikey‘s solution? “Tony Abbott sucking it up”. That seems about as likely as Abbott reading it online.

Palin freestyles

Dr Tom Osborn writes: Re. “Australians are not impressed with Trump” (yesterday). Crikey asked: “We’re not sure what on earth she is actually saying. If anyone can translate, we’d love to know”. The answer is: “Nobody knows”. Nothing has changed.

Dear diary

Glen Frost writes: Re. “Nothing to hide, nothing to fear? Brandis seeks court ruling to protect his secrets” (yesterday).  Surely in the era of “agile” government, the contents of the A-G’s diary are simply an issue of downloading a file from Google/ Microsoft Calendar and redacting the sensitive meetings? Or is agile for everyone except ministers?

Art imitating life

Simon Hemphill writes: Re. “Laughing shock: is Here Come the Habibs racist or groundbreaking? Or both?” (yesterday). Perhaps what is most puzzling about this show is the notion that $22 million would be enough to purchase a house of that magnitude in Vaucluse! The nature of the self-deprecating humour may (or may not) hit the mark but most certainly their real estate aspirations are way off.