LGBTI lobby group Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) is currently polling LGBTI people on whether the group should focus its energy on continuing to oppose the plebiscite or begin focusing on the yes campaign. It’s one of several LGBTI groups having to decide whether to stop worrying and learn to love the plebiscite or fight it until the bitter end.

It comes after last week the group released the results of a Galaxy poll that showed that, contrary to the government’s line that the plebiscite has popular support, when the plebiscite is actually explained to people support drops significantly.

Labor is still pushing for a free vote in Parliament when sitting resumes at the end of next month. But Attorney-General George Brandis told the ABC yesterday the plebiscite would be the only way to progress the issue in the near future. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews wrote to Malcolm Turnbull today calling the plebiscite “harmful” and asking for Turnbull to abandon the policy. The government is getting advice on the timing of the plebiscite from the AEC, and the question is likely to be put to cabinet in the next few weeks. It’ll be a majority vote, most likely, but there will still be electorate-by-electorate reporting, meaning that right-wing MPs who want an excuse to ignore the majority opinion can back out if their electorates say no.