Guests at last night’s Publish awards noted a curious omission in the categories. Although two ads were on the shortlist for Ad of the Year, no winner was announced on the night. Instead,’s Glad to Help was highly commended, while the other shortlisted ad, for the BMW 7 Series, wasn’t mentioned at all.

The awards are organised by Mumbrella, so we got in touch with its founder and content director, Tim Burrowes, to ask what was up. “In this category the jury chose to only award a highly commended as the best in the category. Although I wasn’t in the room for their deliberations I understand the jury chose not to name an outright winner,” he told us. The BMW 7 Series ads were several glossy AFR Magazine foil covers to celebrate the new BMW launch.

It’s all very odd. Ms Tips has heard from some of those present that the failure to award a winner caused something of a kerfuffle backstage, with some loudly complaining about the decision (“This is bullshit,” an exec whose team had been shortlisted reportedly said, well within earshot of Ms Tips’ spies). But we still don’t know what the jury’s issue with the ads were. If you do, get in touch.