Hillary Clinton

It is a studied fact that the US media is giving Donald Trump an easier time than they are giving to Hillary Clinton these days. Clinton’s every misstep is repeated and amplified, while Trump’s gaffes are so numerous they rarely provoke outrage anymore. But a Clinton communications team called Shareblue is trying to create more online outrage about Trump and counter this narrative.

According to The New York Times:

“In the sprawling Clinton body politic, Shareblue is the finger that wags at the mainstream news media (‘R.I.P. Political Journalism (1440-2016)’) or pokes at individual reporters. It is a minor appendage, but in an increasingly close race for the presidency, it plays its part.

“And it is already warming up for the biggest event of the general election so far: the first debate, on Monday night. It has already published a piece calling on moderators to fact-check Mr. Trump on the spot, and will continue through debate night, whipping up support online with the hashtag #DemandFairDebates.

“Shareblue is owned by David Brock, the onetime Clinton critic who remade himself into a Clinton supporter and architect of a conglomerate of organizations designed, he said, to be the liberal answer to the conservative messaging of Fox News.”