The last item in today’s media diary (in The Australian) takes on a journo at the Illawarra Mercury for lifting a sentence “verbatim” from The Australian‘s arts editor, Ashleigh Wilson. When Wilson raised the issue on Facebook, the sentence was “quietly removed online”.

Meanwhile, there was certainly something familiar about the second-to-last item in media diary. Under the headline “Muscling in on ABC”, the item read:

“The most-nominated piece of journalism at last week’s Walkley Award nomination event came from this paper’s Dan Box and Eric George, whose Bowraville coverage was acknowledged in four different categories.”

Which kind of put us in mind of Crikey’s Walkley piece from Friday (headline: Bowraville podcast picks up 4 Walkley nods as Oz muscles in on ABC turf):

“The most-nominated body of journalism at last night’s Walkley award nomination ceremonies came from The Australian’s Dan Box and Eric George, whose Bowraville coverage is nominated in four different categories.”