The former president of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh has been killed along with a number associates after he switched sides in the bloody proxy and civil war raging in Yemen.

Saleh ruled the country for around 30 years and was toppled in 2011 as part of the Arab Spring.

Saleh had been in an uneasy alliance with the Houthi rebels who have captured large swathes of territory but their mutual understanding recently collapsed, with Saleh looking to make peace with Saudi Arabia. After announcing that he had switched sides in a televised address, Saleh fled the capital Sana’a, only to be gunned down.

A coalition led by Saudi Arabia has been fighting the Houthi rebels with bombing campaigns and blockades, leading to a crisis the UN calls the world’s worst humanitarian disaster. Iran backs the Houthi, and Saudi Arabia’s role in the conflict is seen as an effort to curtail Iranian influence in its backyard.


After an apparent slip-up on “Black Friday” and a run of incredibly positive press, US colossus Amazon will launch in Australia today. Expectations for the online retailer are heady, with Citigroup anticipating ($) it will inspire $200 million in extra sales before Christmas.

Despite the hype, things will kick off gradually after today, with the company set to introduce its Prime video-streaming service next year. For now, fresh food and beverages are also off the menu. In other Western countries, Amazon’s expansion has occurred at markedly different paces.

According to one report ($), the company already employs 1000 people in Australia.


‘Go get ’em, Roy’: Trump backs accused child molester Moore for Senate

ACT Labor senator Katy Gallagher was a British dual citizen until August 2016

An airline crew reported seeing North Korea’s latest missile

Senator Pat Dodson calls on state governments to legislate ‘duty of care’ to prisoners

Unions block Melbourne docks with cars and share bikes ($)

China’s veiled threat to Bill Shorten on extradition treaty ($)


Canberra: Final deadline for all MPs to declare the details of their citizenship.

Canberra: TV host Ray Martin launches Senator Derryn Hinch’s new book.

Melbourne: US giant Amazon will start taking orders and shipping products from a warehouse in the city’s east.

Sydney: The coroner will hand down findings over the death of Matthew Leveson.

Sydney: The Reserve Bank of Australia holds its December rates meeting.


GetUp! gets going with conservative politicians in its sights — Jennifer Hewett (Australian Financial Review $): “During the 2016 election, GetUp! had a ‘presence’ in 40 electorates but heavily targeted six of them using a mix of advertising and around 3,500 volunteers to help with doorknocking, phoning and texting. By the next election, [GetUp national director Paul] Oosting is planning on having 20,000 to 30,000 activist volunteers working on the campaign.”

Morrison breaks silence to woo conservative vote — Dennis Shanahan (The Australian $): “Directly challenging Turnbull’s reassurance, Morrison argued that the Ruddock review of religious protections next year was ‘not designed to be a substitute for sensible action in this bill’.”


A respite in New England for Turnbull, but is it the circuit breaker he needs? —  Tony Walker: “Importantly for Turnbull himself Newspoll shows he retains a lead over Shorten as preferred prime minister, 39-33%. However, what should be concerning both major parties is that their primary votes remain in the doldrums.”

Poll Bludger: Joyce’s resounding byelection win is a particular victory for a particular man — William Bowe: “The margin was the biggest the Nationals have ever recorded in a seat they have dominated since their foundation in 1920, outside of the Tony Windsor interruption from 2001 to 2013.”

Company tax cuts won’t work in the US, and they won’t work here — John Quiggin: “The headline result is that company tax cuts, funded by a hypothetical “lump sum” tax would raise GDP by 1.2%, or more than $20 billion a year. Careful reading however, shows that the vast majority of this increase would be lost, either as profits flowing overseas or as costs incurred in maintaining a larger capital stock.”