On legal fraud

Lee Tinson writes: Re. “If milk prices went up like private health insurance …

This government is ideologically committed to destroying Medicare. I gave up PHI [private health insurance] two years after Howard introduced the rebate, because that’s all the time it took for the private funds to eat up the rebate with increased premiums.

On a different note, it isn’t just PHI. Have you looked at the premium rises for your comprehensive car insurance lately? Mine rose by 10%, and the insurer, NRMA were utterly unable to understand how that could be seen as a rort. They said my risk profile, which shouldn’t have changed, warranted the increase. You have to be thinking that if your risk has increased by 10% in one year, you’d be afraid for your life.

All insurance is fraudulent.

On the neo-Nazi threat

Foad Munir writes: Re. “Channel Seven’s Summer of Nazis raises national security fears

White supremacists killed more people in the US last year than any other extremist group and this marked a 157% rise from the people killed by them the year before. But no one seems to be concerned much about them even though just last week a neo-Nazi group leader in Florida was charged with possessing bomb-making materials. If he were Muslim, different questions would have been asked and Islamophobes would have blamed Muslims unequivocally. As an Ahmadi Muslim who believes that extremism has no religion, I would like to know when we are going to discuss how to root out this extremism and why does no one ask where these people were radicalized?