The Northern Territory and parts of far north Queensland are about to be hit by a second cyclone in as many weeks.

The NT News ($) and Gladstone Observer ($) report that a severe cyclone is expected to form off the coast of the tropical Northern Territory town of Nhulunbuy. The Bureau of Meteorology predicts a tropical low will reach cyclone strength early today before turning into a category three over the weekend, heading towards Queensland’s Cape York Peninsula. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten was in Darwin yesterday to survey damage from last weekend’s cyclone ($).


Indigenous children in New South Wales and across Australia were reportedly given criminal convictions for the act of being stolen up until the late 1980s.

According to the NITV, which reported similar cases across Victoria last year, Indigenous children in New South Wales were given criminal convictions they received when taken into state custody, reportedly because the system did not distinguish between those taken because of criminal behaviour and those taken supposedly for their own protection.


The Western Bulldogs have lost an appeal against captain Katie Brennan’s two-match suspension and could be headed to court the night before the AFLW grand final for a last minute Hail Mary (pass).

The Age reports that Brennan’s suspension for rough conduct against Melbourne’s Harriet Cordner was upheld by the AFL appeals board yesterday, but president Peter Gordon left the door open for a Supreme Court injunction. The team has still named Brennan for its side tomorrow.


“Some of the crazy lefties at the ABC and on The Guardian and Huffington Post express concern and draw mean cartoons about me and the rest of it. They don’t realise how completely dead they are to me.”

— Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton — the man heading ASIO, ABF, AFP, offshore prison camps and now an outwardly racist pitch for white South Africans immigrants — tells good friend Ray Hadley how he’s not having it with the latte-sipping-pinko-Marxist-nerd journos questioning a pigmentation-based humanitarian program.


Donald Trump announces $60bn of new tariffs on Beijing ($)

Cardinal George Pell’s alleged offending at cathedral couldn’t have happened, court told

It’s Been 149 Days And The Police Haven’t Interviewed Michaelia Cash Over AWU Raids Tip-Off

Shorten praises Biloela over support for refugee family ($)

Trump’s lead lawyer for federal Russia probe resigns

Enemies plot to bring down Daniel Andrews over Labor rort ($)

One Nation to back company tax cuts in exchange for funding for 1,000 apprentices

Tesla, Fluence to build two big batteries in Victoria


Sydney: Former US President Barack Obama will deliver a speech in Sydney, hosted by the New Zealand United States Council following his NZ tour during the week.

Canberra: Joint public hearing inquiries into major defence projects and government contract reporting, and a Senate committee public hearing into digital delivery of government services.

Wollongong, NSW: House committee public hearing into government’s role in the development of cities.

Melbourne: Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg will announce a new weather news partnership between the ABC and BoM.

Perth: Rosie Batty will speak at CEDA domestic violence forum, along with speakers such as Rio Tinto Group Executive, Health, Safety and Environment Joanne Farrell and WA Minister for Child Protection and Women’s Interests Simone McGurk.

Sydney: The Future of Mobility CEDA event will see Electric Vehicle Council Chief Executive Behyad Jafari, Uber Head of Public Policy Jessika Loefstedt and NRM Chief Executive Rohan Lund discuss technological change of the transport sector.

Melbourne: Final day of financial services royal commission’s public hearing on consumer lending.

Sydney: Arts 2025 Summit will see roughly 500 delegates from across NSW, including artist Ben Quilty, NSW Arts Minister for Don Harwin and journalist Jeremy Fernandez as MC, discuss the future of arts and culture.

Melbourne: Australia’s largest warship, HMAS Adelaide will return to Melbourne for first time since being built at Williamstown.

Sydney: NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian will be the special guest as the NSW Business Chamber marks 12 months until the 2019 State election.

Perth: Three-day “Transitions” documentary film festival exploring the future of humanity begins.

Melbourne: More than 300 international students at the Study Melbourne Welcome Party will attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the most nationalities at a dance party.

Perth: Farewell function before WA’s Commonwealth Games athletes head to the Gold Coast.

Melbourne: Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria will protest to show support for Oromos facing persecution within Ethiopia.

Sydney: Sydney Stands With Students to say #NeverAgain to school shootings

Australia: National Ride2School Day.

World: World Meteorological Day, whatever that is! Bureau of Meteorology forecasters have made themselves available in Melbourne for speaking opportunities.


Patients in pain: it’s a big problem — Ranjana Srivastava (The Guardian): “While pain specialists would contend that the subject isn’t taught well enough, medical education and training covers pain management as much (or as little) as it covers many other important areas of patient care including communication, confidentiality and consent. These days, there is no excuse for inadequate pain management. It seems ridiculous but conceivable that good pain management is somehow perceived as a “soft skill” when it ought to be a tenet of good medicine.”

Lot of bad policy and bad politics in the past 15 years: — Laura Tingle (AFR): “The Turnbull government has now got the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC) investigating the Australian Conservation Foundation’s hosting of Bill Shorten on a trip to the Great Barrier Reef to determine if the lobby group broke laws governing payments to third parties –which could result in it being deregistered and lose its charitable status. The ACNC is part of the Coalition’s war on lobby groups it doesn’t like. It seeks to neuter them by the threat of the removal of tax deductible status if they get too political.”


Packer’s shock resignation and the pitfalls of mental health reportingEmily Watkins: “When James Packer announced yesterday he was stepping down as director of Crown Resorts for mental health reasons, news outlets started pumping out backgrounders and timelines of his life and times. And the newspapers today have extensive coverage, with much of it by the book when it comes to mental health reporting.”

What the nomination of the new Grand Mufti of Australia means for Australian Muslims — Irfan Yusuf: “Recently, News Corp editor Peter Gleeson remarked, on a TV station hardly anyone watches, that ‘the Grand Mufti in Sydney doesn’t speak English — I don’t get that’. He’ll be pleased to know that the new (as of Sunday arvo) Mufti of Australia, Imam Abdul Aziem al-Afifi, speaks English, and arguably much better than Pauline Hanson. Here’s what you need to know…”

Labor’s craven surrender to Catholic schools is fiscally and morally repugnantBernard Keane: “This is a story of how a party is pursuing a fiscally sensible and socially fair reform but is being fought by cynical political opponents in alliance with a vested interest that is used to getting its own way at taxpayers’ expense. The advocate of sensible and fair reform is Education Minister Simon Birmingham. The cynical opportunists are Bill Shorten’s Labor Party and the vested interest is one of the world’s richest institutions, the Catholic Church.”