1. Which Liberal backbencher resigned this week due to the axing of Malcolm Turnbull?
  2. What is the median income according to the Productivity Commission report on inequality released this week?
  3. Which country was a Sydney University staff member attacked for writing about in an article published in Honi Soit?
  4. How much money will Daniel Andrews’ proposed new Melbourne rail link cost?
  5. What is the name of the new series by Sacha Baron Cohen which finished its first season this week?
  6. What’s the first country Scott Morrison will visit as prime minister?
  7. Whose defence in a defamation action was struck out by the Federal Court this week, described by the judge as “an extraordinary document”?
  8. Carla McGrath was this week removed from the Australian Press Council. Which lobby group is she from?
  9. What kind of scandal is engulfing the NRL ahead of its finals season?
  10. How many people are facing the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland for comments made during the marriage equality plebiscite last year?

For answers: click here.