music journalism

Joshua Martin’s feature on the future of Australian music writing provoked a great deal of discussion yesterday, from some readers as well as those inside the industry. Are things really as troubling as first stated? Depends who you ask. Elsewhere, Crikey readers urge country voters to choose “Anyone but the Nats”.

On the future of Australian music journalism

Shaad D’Souza, editor of Noisey AU, writes: I stand by my quotes but I’d like to clarify: there are a lot of incredible writers who care about criticism, but many [people] in Aus still only see it as glorified PR, and that’s unsustainable. It is v back patty.

Darren Levin, managing editor of LNWY and former managing editor of Junkee Media, writes: So I’ve read that Crikey piece about the so-called death of Australian music journalism, including discussion of FOUR publications that I’ve either edited long-term or written extensively for, and here is my response: HI […]

I congratulate [Joshua Martin] for caring enough to write that piece, and the last thing I want to do is make this space exclusionary. The truth is I’m still optimistic about the future of Aus music journalism and I will do whatever I can to provide writers with a viable platform.

Kate Hennessy, freelance music writer, writes: FWIW, in reply to Joshua I also pointed out this: the inaugural Women In Music awards included photography and filmmaking but no journalist award. As my colleague Jane Howard noted, that’s because journalists/critics are the only ones who can’t work *for* artists […]

We stay at an arm’s length, or try to. We’re the ones who squirm a little when people say “thanks for your support”. Because while that’s a symptom of our engagement, it’s not the purpose.

Di Keller writes: It broke my heart when the archives of inthemix were taken down. They may have had no monetary value, but they were rich in the tapestry of electronic music in Australia. Now at least I know who to blame.

Margaret Marshall writes: Like a flashing neon sign this sentence stands out like a beacon: “But there is an arguable lack of quality and depth”. Social media has taken over what the mainstream media did well and social media lacks good writing about light and shade, and highlight and low light… Give the music industry back to mainstream media and the experts who know how to write.

On the Nats’ many crises

Frank Ward writes: The only way the voters of the bush and the regions are going to get real and active representatives is to vote “Anyone but the Nationals”. It is no wonder that the Nats represent some of the most disadvantaged electorates in the nation as their mates the Liberals spend billions tearing down stadiums and building new ones so that they can entertain their friends in style at the grand finals while the people of the bush die from lack of basic healthcare. Wake up, country people. You have nothing to lose by lack of services. Vote anyone but the Nats.

John Homan writes: One of the Nats’ major failures may well be that it has failed to represent/fight for its natural constituents: the people on the land. It has fought — totally fact free — the effects of global warming on the sector. Also, where it had a choice it has supported the mining industry, a short-term and destructive proposition, over the long-term agricultural sector. Joyce’s mate and pupil, Canavan, has much to answer for.

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