Johnny Young is the
latest in a growing list of media types to lose his cool with Sydney
shock jock, 2Day FM’s Kyle Sandilands, who’s doing the media rounds to
plug his new role as Australian Idol judge. Sandilands was
slated to appear on Johnny’s 6IX breakfast radio program in Perth, but
couldn’t be found until an hour after the scheduled time. Johnny was
not impressed and when Kyle finally did answer the phone, he copped it
– on air. To hear Johnny crack it, listen here.

is no stranger to inter-media bitch fighting. In late March, he
received a shellacking in the News Ltd press for plugging the one and
only star of his new record label King Kyle – his girlfriend, ex Popstars star Tamara Jaber (Scandal’Us anyone?). The Daily Telegraph’s Sydney
Confidential asked its readers whether Kyle’s high rotation approach to
Jaber’s single “Ooh Aah” on his radio show was a conflict of interest,
and readers responded with scathing reviews. Kyle said Sydney
Confidential lied about the reader feedback and The Tele responded by banning him:

You won’t be seeing him on these pages anymore… While he
was asked by Austereo management to apologise for Monday’s rant
following the comments of one Confidential reader, so deluded by love
it seems, he turned feral again, saying Confidential hadn’t even asked
for our readers’ opinion. Well, we have. And they absolutely hate it.

Meanwhile, Sandiland’s attempt to flash the single on Rove Live!
met with a coolish response from the host who promptly placed the CD
face down on his desk. As for Kyle’s new Channel Ten gig judging the
cream of Australian music talent – “I just hope there’s not too many
w*nkers,” he tells Who. “I’ve got a short tolerance for that kind of thing.”