Is he going to be deselected or does he have another printing problem? A subscriber in Andrew Laming’s Queensland seat of Bowman reports that they’ve just received a glossy brochure from their federal MP – with no mention of the word Liberal. Has he sniffed something in the wind?

Julie Bishop v Harry Potter. In her continuing effort to get anyone involved in education offside, Minister of Knowledge Julie Bishop has recently called for teachers to make their pay deals public and dissed political rock eisteddfods. Now ABC News is reporting that student unions have compared the minister with Harry Potter character Dolores Umbridge, a toady woman who works for the Ministry of Magic and has a stint as Headmistress of Hogwarts. She’s noted for her cruel clamping down of opposition, engaging an army of Slytherins to help her fight dissent. Bishop, showing her Harry Potter study has some way to go, fought back, describing the student unionists as a “bunch of Slytherins” (or something like that).

Heritage item. A significant item of national heritage appeared briefly on eBay this morning – a g-string, allegedly souvenired from Scores by our future prime minister. By the time Crikey was ready to publish, the g-string had been taken down (geddit?!?). We assume it has been purchased by the National Museum of Australia, but we took a screen grab, just in case…