(Image: Supplied)

If you could change just one thing about Australia, what would it be? 

Our dependency on foreign countries. I would like to see Australia be more self-sufficient.

What is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you? 

Do something about your vote-killing beard.

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you? 

Becoming a father. It really changed my perspective on life.

Who or what do you see as the biggest threat to Australia? 

The lack of accountability for government officials. We have politicians making decisions based on what would be best for their political careers, instead of the long-term future of Australia.

Which historical figure do you most admire and why? 

Winston Churchill. His ability to inspire his people in one of the darkest periods of history is second to none. I admire his fighting spirit.

What would your final meal be? 

A stack of croissants filled with bacon and cheese with a cup of coffee.

Read more from Crikey’s Elect Me! series here.