Not that it actually stopped to begin with, we have this months Nielsen today in Fairfax (demographic tables here) coming in with the primaries running 45 (down 1)/ 38 (up 1) to Labor, washing out into a two party preferred of 56/44 the same way – a one point increase to the Coalition since the last Nielsen poll in October. The Greens are on 9 (down 1) while the broad “Others” are sitting on 7 (steady). This comes from a sample of 1400, giving us an MoE that maxes out around the 2.6% mark.

Normality resumes.

Rudd has taken a slight clip in the approval ratings and preferred PM which you can see in the charts below, but it’s just more ebbs and flows of they type he’s experienced over the last 6 months. There was some additional questions measuring public perceptions on asylum seeker policy, but we’ll get to them later today where we’ll compare the Nielsen results and last week’s Essential Report results with a set of questions asked over the weekend and published in today’s Oz – although strangely they havent published the voting intention estimates…. perhaps tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the usual charts come in like this:

pmapprovnov opapprovnov

netapprovnov ppmnov