A few days and one Sydney outbreak ago, I was in Canberra with our political reporter Kishor Napier-Raman. With the parliamentary winter recess coming there was a palpable sense of relief in government circles that things were going OK — not spectacular, but OK. How quickly things change. Barnaby blows up the Nationals and unsettles the Coalition; the Australian National Audit Office exposes a rort of eye-watering proportions; and the prime minister starts to appear very vulnerable on the vaccine rollout and quarantine issues. Crikey has been highlighting this latter point for months now, and this past week the PM’s state allies and the news media have caught on: the PM is getting lost in his own spin. For today, here’s a selection of our best reporting of the week, including Bernard Keane and Napier-Raman on the car park rorts, Guy Rundle and others on the return of Barnaby Joyce (and the challenge and opportunity Joyce presents for Labor), and stories on the frontline of the the COVID crisis — featuring Madonna King, Janine Perrett and Mitchell Squire. For some light relief, I’ve thrown in Cam Wilson, who used his web-sleuthing skills to unearth the PM’s Spotify song list (anyone for some Prince this weekend?). |