The fight over COVID, and over the economy, continues.

Crikey’s week started with us writing about the recession and big tech, and ended with us writing about, er, the recession and big tech. Of course, there was a good reason for such symmetry: the recession arrived (to the surprise of no one) while Facebook threatened to pull out of the news-spreading business altogether (suddenly, my ear worm is playing Frank Sinatra).

In between there were plenty of other things to cover, including sexual harassment, political prisoners and the remarkable, gut-churning case of the Queensland copper who hacked the police computer system to help his mate find his ex-wife. And then there’s Tony Abbott. Funny how some people can’t stop making the news.

Meanwhile our new columnists Janine Perrett and Madonna King continue to hit the mark, with the former warning us about the rise of a new generation of stock market punters, and the latter issuing a timely reminder about the importance of human connection in these COVID times.

Two other things not to lose: our freedom of speech and our willingness to engage in frank debate. The virus is locking down enough; we don’t need to throw our minds into the bargain.

Have a great weekend,

Peter Fray

Remember the 1990s recession? Here’s hoping the hard lessons learnt back then are not lost now

BERNARD KEANE 4 minute read

The effects of the early '90s recession dragged on for many years. This time around, policymakers have responded much more quickly, but can they prevent the same long-term harm?

We’re all Keynesians now. The question is, how much will it cost?

JASON MURPHY 4 minute read

It seems we're all in agreement that government spending is needed to help prop up the economy during the pandemic. But how long will that attitude last?

Big tech's big week

Canberra (and Rupert) v big tech: can the government rein in Facebook and Google?


The government's plan to rectify the power imbalance between news publishers and big tech makes no sense. But then again, we shouldn't be surprised.

Here’s the medium Google actually killed — and it’s not the one all the fuss is about


Not happy, Jan? How the shift to online has changed the economics of advertising.

Detained in plain sight: an incomplete list of Australia’s political prisoners

AMBER SCHULTZ 3 minute read

We tale a look at some of the Australian political prisoners currently in jail overseas.

Justice 2020? Court lets cop who leaked address of domestic violence victim walk free with no record

MICHAEL BRADLEY 4 minute read

It's supposed to be the central concern of the criminal justice system to protect people from criminals, not to facilitate their wrongdoing.

Just how independent are the independent investigators in sexual harassment cases?

GEORGIA WILKINS 3 minute read

QBE has joined a long list of companies using 'independent' external investigators to assure investors and the public they take matters like harassment seriously.

Sexual harassment by so many other names: the language corporates use
Workplace communications … a leave of absence … unbecoming manner … a distraction. It’s startling the verbal gymnastics companies go through to avoid calling sexual harassment what it is. — Amber Schultz

Weasel words are the go-to responses when big companies are faced with sexual harassment allegations. Anything to save their reputation.

The new Robin Hoods are robbin’ their own hoods with guvvie cash

JANINE PERRETT 4 minute read

New investors have been making risky gambles while lockdowns continue to bite — and ASIC is concerned.

Tony in the UK

Tone Alone: who does the former PM represent? Us, the Poms or whoever will pay?

GUY RUNDLE 4 minute read

For a former captain of Team Australia, Tony Abbott certainly seems to have divided loyalties these days.

For the Brits, here’s the world according to Tony Abbott

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

Brits can look forward to the wit and wisdom of Tony Abbott, a man who has never been short of an opinion, however out of date it might be.

In a world fuelled by suspicion, human connection is as important as a vaccine

MADONNA KING 4 minute read

Suspicion and lack of trust risks causing as many problems as the pandemic. We need to find new ways to connect.

Want to avoid ‘Dictator Dan’ jibes? Don’t arrest people for Facebook posts

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

When police arrest a pregnant woman in her own home for a Facebook post suggesting a protest, we should be deeply worried about the erosion of our rights. Except, we're not.

Crunching the numbers

Fick Sverige rätt? Translation: did Sweden get it right?

ADAM SCHWAB 4 minute read

Running the numbers on whether the Swedes got their coronavirus response right after all.

Light v hard lockdown: crunching the life or death numbers

LUKE SLAWOMIRSKI 3 minute read

All strategies to fight COVID-19 come with their own costs and problems — so far there's no silver bullet.

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