In some way it feels like there has been only one story this week — the rape allegations against a cabinet minister, as Crikey detailed on Monday, and the subsequent confirmation that those allegations concerned Attorney-General Christian Porter. Porter has vehemently denied any knowledge of the alleged rape (and Crikey is not making any allegations against him). But this accusation and the overall response branches off in all directions and touches on almost every element of Scott Morrison’s government. There is, as Bernard Keane catalogues, the years of shredding Australia’s rule of law which the government now wishes to hide behind (along with, as Kishor Napier-Ramen notes, several other amorphous legal terms). There is the cosiness between the government and large sections of the media. Then there is Morrison himself, and his near pathological inability to take responsibility. Elsewhere, the Royal Commission into aged care released its report this week. On this, Keane provided a precis on decades of government failure, and David Hardaker investigated the doctors gaming the system to promote antipsychotic drugs in nursing homes. |