A historic budget, an infected president, and much more.
OCTOBER 10, 2020

This week the government handed down its historic budget, the leader of the free world was struck down by coronavirus and reclusive billionaire James Packer spent days giving evidence in a public inquiry.

And of course we covered all those big news stories. We were in one of the COVID-safe budget lockups to deliver you budget night coverage, plus plenty of further analysis in the days since. We also turned our eye to important stories that have been missed or neglected elsewhere in the media.

Dean Yates’ compelling series on the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and its treatment of veterans with mental health injuries shone a light on just how poorly those who serve our country are treated. Michael Bradley continued to prosecute the question of why Alan Tudge remains a cabinet minister after a judge declared his actions “criminal”. And David Hardaker and Amber Schultz investigated the lucrative world of specialised disability accommodation providers.

Have a great weekend,

Emily Watkins
News editor

The disability provider, the ex-minister and the government-fuelled gold rush

DAVID HARDAKER 5 minute read

The lucrative, government-fuelled world of specialised disability accommodation is becoming a new gold rush — and has advisers watching for conflicts of interest.

Alan Tudge’s contempt seems to know no bounds. Why is he still a minister?

MICHAEL BRADLEY 4 minute read

Scott Morrison has not said a word about why he is maintaining in his cabinet a minister so disgraced. That, too, is a disgrace.

The Budget

Spend, spend, spend — Frydenberg’s road to recovery relies on the Great Australian Binge

BERNARD KEANE 2 minute read

The government is relying on middle- and high-income earners and business to spend up big for the economy

Crazy ants, dried fruit and weather boffins’ safety: strange spending measures

AMBER SCHULTZ 3 minute read

Some parts of the budget are less predictable than others. Crikey takes a look through some of the stranger items in the 2020 federal budget.

Solid effort followed by disappointment as government squibs reform

RICHARD HOLDEN 4 minute read

The 2020 budget gets an A-minus for addressing the current problems, but a somewhat lower grade for setting up the post-pandemic years.

Keynesianism for the rich: Liberals unveil a new politics of debt-fuelled individualism

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

This budget for winners will deliver a political benefit to the government: massive tax cuts are a tactic to deliver the next election.

A big-government, low-growth Australia sets sail on an ocean of red

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

If the treasurer’s economic plan turns out as forecast, we’ll be back to something like normal by 2024. But with the government holding our hands all the way.

It’s time for Commissioner Bergin to put Packer’s ‘shameful, disgraceful’ emails on the table

STEPHEN MAYNE 4 minute read

Now the subject of the billionaire's emails has been made public the inquiry must release those 13 pages of bile.

Cloudy with a chance of rising Greens: state poll is big test for Labor

WILLIAM BOWE 3 minute read

It may be that the biggest election threat to the Palaszczuk government isn't the LNP, but inner-city Greens.

Secret deals, mysterious financiers: welcome to the world of James Packer

GEORGIA WILKINS 3 minute read

In a rare public appearance, James Packer has given a glimpse into his world.

Trump is an oxygen thief. Sick or not, he’s stealing the PR show from Joe

JANINE PERRETT 3 minute read

He might not have planned to get COVID-19, but Trump is certainly making the most of the extra press coverage.

Clive Palmer is up to his old tricks. Can new electoral rules derail his plans?

GEORGIA WILKINS 2 minute read

New donation rules aim to stop people like Clive Palmer from derailing elections. But experts are worried they won't be enough ...

Government guarantees fuel disabled homes investment rush with double-digit returns


The federal government has turned disability housing into an investment honey pot for all comers. But who really benefits?

‘Bizarre’ treatment indicates The Donald might be sicker than officials are letting on 

AMBER SCHULTZ 2 minute read

White House staff have insisted that Donald Trump is only suffering mild COVID symptoms. But his treatment suggests a different story.

The veterans' crisis

Fight goes on for veterans facing a mind field of pain, suicide, government inaction

DEAN YATES 3 minute read

Scott Morrison has been keen to show his pro-veteran credentials since assuming the prime ministership. Yet when it comes to the invisible side of being a veteran — living with the mental scars of a war that never ends — the PM has been found wanting.

Betrayed and left to rot: my time with veterans in a psych ward

DEAN YATES 4 minute read

After 77 days in a specialist psychiatric ward, Dean Yates tells of his experience, and what he's learnt about how returned veterans suffer.

From ‘illness’ to ‘wellness’: government rebrands a veteran mental health crisis

DEAN YATES 4 minute read

The Department of Veterans' Affairs has moved from a strategy of 'illness' to one of 'wellness'. Is it putting messaging ahead of the mental health of veterans?

Veterans’ Affairs is harming Australia’s ability to manage psychological distress

DEAN YATES 3 minute read

Australia's mishandling of the veteran mental health crisis will cripple our ability to understand crises elsewhere, an expert has warned.

Miracle cure or premature release? Trump’s hospital discharge baffles experts

AMBER SCHULTZ 2 minute read

Experts believe the president should have remained in hospital.

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