Fresh angles on the pandemic and beyond
JULY 17, 2021

Crikey’s media columnist Chris Warren recently noted the special challenge of reporting the pandemic: state premiers and chief health officers now deliver the daily news. The journalists? Well, not so much.

Of course there are exceptions, but it is a fair point. Who tells you the numbers? The premier. Who puts a bit of meat on the bone? The chief health officer and occasionally the health minister. Who gives you the rest of the news? The top cop.

So the challenge for journalism is to provide more than just the stenography. That’s certainly what we’ve been trying to do at Crikey — to get behind this incredible, multi-headed story. Today’s Crikey Weekender is a selection of what I’m getting at, fresh angles on the pandemic from Crikey’s reporters and columnists. And you’ll find a few non-COVID articles too. Because as always there are plenty of other things going on.

Have a great weekend,

Peter Fray


The pandemic

Not all vaccines are equal, and neither are the vaccinated — a human rights headache

AMBER SCHULTZ 3 minute read

Vaccine nationalism is 'a bit of a minefield' that could lead to discrimination against people of 'certain nationalities'.

Are we all in this together? NSW’s gold standard status is shattered as Delta jumps the race and class divide


The NSW government's inadequate and ill-advised response to the latest COVID-19 outbreak shows hard lessons about handling the virus have yet to be learned.

Boosters before borders? Millions of Australians likely to be infected with COVID-19 as herd immunity remains unlikely

AMBER SCHULTZ 3 minute read

Herd immunity in Australia is off the table for 2021 — and possibly for good. But there are ways of making COVID-19 a manageable presence.

Quiet achievers: Australia’s female chief health officers finally take centre stage

MADONNA KING 3 minute read

Talented Australian women are rarely given the accolades so easily and often given to men — a national shame that must be rectified.

The softest coup: COVID-19 and the khakification of Australian leadership


Faced with an international crisis and short on ideas, politicians and bureaucrats have defaulted to putting the army in charge, quietly ushering in the 'khakification' of Australian leadership.

Not all experts are created equal — and that’s a problem in the fight against COVID

ADAM SCHWAB 5 minute read

Have the experts become the story during the pandemic? And if so, are we getting a true picture of what's happening and what could happen?

The world is not binary. Measuring who is female on a scale sets up all kinds of Olympic-size wrongs


The Olympics and other sporting bodies are pushing nonsensical and outdated gender binaries, and athletes aren't the only ones paying the price.

Beware facial recognition: Australia risks embracing mass surveillance, ‘broader protections’ needed

CAM WILSON 3 minute read

The outgoing human rights commissioner criticises governments using the fear of terrorism to justify expanding Australia's surveillance state.

Road to nowhere: paltry, ineffective and optional training solution offered to address parliamentary sexual violence

AMBER SCHULTZ 4 minute read

Non-mandatory two-hour sexual harassment training for MPs is lacklustre, offensive and shows how little commitment the government has to addressing workplace culture.

On Freedom Day, Britain will be fighting the virus on the beaches, and in cafes, pubs — and party rooms

GUY RUNDLE 6 minute read

Boris Johnson has taken a huge risk with his country's health. But his political enemies are too busy fighting among themselves to give him any grief.

England’s racist uproar raises the question: can businesses fire bigoted employees?

MICHAEL BRADLEY 4 minute read

As vile reactions to England's Euro Cup loss spread on and offline, businesses whose employees were found to be racist were once again caught between ethical imperative and their legal obligations.

Who knewz? Murdoch’s ambition to out-Google Google News lands in a steaming heap

GLENN DYER 3 minute read

News Corp's 'Knewz' promised it would deliver generous news aggregation from across the political and regional spectrum. Last Friday, News buried Knewz, though few people seemed to notice.

History wars: Australia’s empty ‘defeat’ of critical race theory feeds full blown assault on new school curriculum

CAM WILSON 4 minute read

With reactions to the draft national curriculum blowing up, reaching a consensus on how to teach children about Australia's past is looking like a testing task.

Buy-your-way-to-Oz visa is a solution in search of a problem

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

The government's immigration goals appear more focused on bringing in wealthy, older non-workers than addressing the needs of an ageing population.

Inflation hits 5.4% in the US. Should we worry — and should the RBA take action now?

JASON MURPHY 4 minute read

Inflation can be terrifying. Not just for its destructive effect on the purchasing power of our currency, but for its destabilising effect on the national discourse.

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