Australia’s media industry is stumbling from one crisis to the next, writes Bernard Keane. First it was the SMH’s outing of actor Rebel Wilson. Then we had Nine journalists signing up to promote gambling corporation Sportsbet. There seem to be examples of misjudgment everywhere you look. Our economy is also lurching into catastrophe, with energy markets on the brink of collapse thanks to years of state capture. It might seem abstract, but the reality of inflation and soaring electricity prices is being felt throughout the country, from rising food prices to homelessness, write Imogen Champagne and Amber Schultz. Finally there was a bit of tech news about. Cam Wilson reported on the Google bot that allegedly became sentient, and on recent calls for a ban on retailers utilising facial recognition software. Know someone who may like reading this kind of journalism? Give the gift of Crikey for 50% off. Use promo code EOFY22. |