When the free marketeers are killing the free market
SEPTEMBER 19, 2020

You know the line: if you only read one thing today, read… Well with today’s Crikey Weekender, that’s not the case — because, of course, there’s plenty to read. This week, we’ve ranged over a diversity of important subjects, from COVID-19 and workplace sexual harassment to university funding, privacy and the federal government’s latest energy plan.

Writing about the government’s push from coal to gas, Bernard Keane posed a pertinent question: what is the party of the free market doing interfering in the operation of the free market? He later offered an answer — it’s called crony capitalism. Elsewhere, reporter Amber Schultz spent the week dissecting the many facets of workplace sexual harassment, looking at the enabling culture, the impact on victims and the solutions.

COVID-19 loomed large this week, with Madonna King asking who’s really in charge in Queensland: the premier or the chief health officer? Janine Perrett lambasted the rich for carrying on as only the rich can, and Schultz looked at what other countries are doing to keep their populace in line. (Let’s just say, some nations make Melbourne’s fines look like a walk in the park… if you are allowed to walk in the park.)

I’d also like to mention this week’s work by Guy Rundle on both the lockdown and energy policy. But his work features in tomorrow’s Sunday Read, which does start with the premise of “if you only read one thing today…”

Thanks for reading Crikey.

Have a great weekend,

Peter Fray

The party of the free market is killing investment

BERNARD KEANE and GLENN DYER 3 minute read

Scott Morrison's climate-change-denying government has proved embarrassingly bad at managing the economy.

Dollars, sense and sexual harassment

Dollars, sense and sexual harassment: when share price is all that matters

AMBER SCHULTZ 4 minute read

The AMP controversy proves it: companies will not remove accused harassers until the share price plummets.

Dollars, sense and sexual harassment: how victims are punished while perpetrators are promoted

AMBER SCHULTZ 4 minute read

Recent history shows that alleged perpetrators cop a slap on the wrist while victims go on to suffer for years.

Dollars, sense and sexual harassment: boys will be boys in the insiders club

AMBER SCHULTZ 4 minute read

Despite the Me Too movement, boys' club culture is alive and well and still in control.

Dollars, sense and sexual harassment: who is in charge of fixing the culture?

AMBER SCHULTZ 3 minute read

When a complaint is lodged, who — besides the harasser — should be liable for fixing the culture?

Exactly who is running this show? Border debate reveals an inconvenient dilemma

MADONNA KING 2 minute read

The growing remit of Queensland chief health officer Dr Jeannette Young raises some awkward questions about who's really in charge of the state...

War is hell: how the corporate class is coping with COVID’s injustices

JANINE PERRETT 3 minute read

Some business heavyweights are stamping their feet about Victoria's 'wartime' curfew. But who's really suffering here?

A world of pain: strict and strange penalties for breaking COVID-19 laws

AMBER SCHULTZ 3 minute read

Cruel and unusual punishments seen around the world range from being forced to dig graves to being locked in dog cages.

Vic Lib Tim Smith can’t even rig a poll right

CHARLIE LEWIS 2 minute read

Not Tim Smith's finest moment...

Australia — a banana republic in the grip of crony capitalism

BERNARD KEANE 4 minute read

When political and business leaders are in bed together things are rosy for both. But the pickings are slim if you're not a mate.

‘A question of integrity’: ageing lobby group invests in controversial aged-care app

GEORGIA WILKINS 3 minute read

'If we're going to clean up aged care, we need to be frank and fearless, and how can you be frank and fearless if you're not truly independent?'

Morrison back on the offensive with his News Corp attack dogs


With an election looming in Queensland it's no surprise the prime minister moved from consensus to censure.

Bitter break-up case opens a new frontier for the whole Australian race

MICHAEL BRADLEY 3 minute read

This case illustrates a peculiar paradox beneath the concept of racial discrimination: what, actually, is race?

Political medicine on a grand scale: the roadmap as the least worst option

LUKE SLAWOMIRSKI 5 minute read

Victoria's roadmap to recovery may seem daunting. But the alternative is much, much worse.

What it’s like: life under lockdown in the city of dead malls and muzzled citizens

GUY RUNDLE 4 minute read

Weeks of lockdown and alien routine have changed us, but we do not fully know how yet.

Why $1 million may not be enough to advance Advance Australia’s cause


This flailing group just scored a big injection of cash. But will it be enough to actually compete with its left-wing rivals?

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