Welcome to week two of the election
APRIL 23, 2022

As Crikey readers know, facts matter, especially in the middle of an election campaign. So when the latest Liberal Party ads begged voters to “look at the facts”, we were interested. Turns out, out of nine claims, only one was correct, two were deceptive and six were barefaced lies. Catch up on Alan Austin’s analysis below.

Meanwhile, in an election where we face massive deficits and a trillion-dollar debt, why isn’t anyone talking about taxing the windfall profits of offshore gas companies? As Bernard Keane observed, it’s just another case of state capture.

Plus, are the Coalition’s gender problems finally coming home to roost? According to Crikey’s very own poll bludger, William Bowe, female voters unsurprisingly don’t have a lot of time for Scott Morrison and his party — with polls showing they are turning to independents and Labor.

You can read those stories, plus our coverage of Warringah hopeful Katherine Deves, as part of today’s Weekender.

Thanks for reading and supporting Crikey.

Have a great weekend,

Georgia Wilkins
News editor

The Liberal Party wants us to ‘look at the facts’. But just whose facts?

ALAN AUSTIN 4 minute read

Of nine claims in the Liberals' new ad campaign, one is correct, two are deceptive and six are barefaced lies.

The multi-billion-dollar rort no one is talking about

BERNARD KEANE 4 minute read

In an election where we face massive deficits and a trillion-dollar debt, why aren't we talking about taxing the windfall profits of offshore gas companies?

Coalition’s gender problems come home to boost Labor and independents

WILLIAM BOWE 3 minute read

The polls seem to show that female voters don't have a lot of time for Scott Morrison and his Liberal Party — a bad omen for May 21?

The Deves dilemma

Katherine Deves wasn’t chosen in spite of her views on trans people. She was chosen because of them

CAM WILSON 4 minute read

As the Warringah candidate's past catches up with her, her selection shows how she was chosen for, not despite, her anti-trans beliefs.

Katherine Deves isn’t an outlier, she’s representative of online transphobes

CATHERINE BOURIS 4 minute read

The views of the Liberal candidate for Warringah echo those of trans-exclusionary radical feminist online spaces.

Electioncast: How long can Scott Morrison stand behind anti-trans candidate Katherine Deves?

CRIKEY 1 minute read

Liberal Warringah candidate Katherine Deves' history of transphobic posts was the ember that continued to burn over the Easter weekend.

Coalition, Labor double-down on scare campaigns because they work


Scott Morrison said Labor had told 'a disgusting lie' about cashless welfare cards, and then offered his brazen porky about death taxes.

Yes, Scott Morrison, your government’s lack of integrity is a top priority for voters

LESLIE CANNOLD 2 minute read

Despite what certain politicians claim in the media, the average voter still believes in the need for accountability.

Labor serves up chicken soup for the soul in Burnie

GUY RUNDLE 7 minute read

Will the threatened Indue cashless welfare card roll-out kill the Libs in Tasmania? A day at the senior citizens club suggests so.

The Tudge fudge: here’s what we know, now can an honourable member tell us the rest?

MICHAEL BRADLEY 4 minute read

The Tudge affair, shrouded in lies and misdirection, is a puzzle with more holes than pieces.

Leaders' debate

Leaders’ debate: Morrison v Albanese

CRIKEY 1 minute read

Follow Crikey's live coverage of the first leaders' debate of the federal election campaign, hosted by Charlie Lewis.

Albanese and Morrison go head to head in increasingly irrelevant election debate


The first leaders' debate of the federal election campaign tonight will be watched by just a handful of people on a pay-TV channel.

‘I too thought it was going to be a lot more boring’: Leonardo Puglisi reviews the first leaders’ debate

LEONARDO PUGLISI 3 minute read

Last night's leaders' debate was mostly civil, though not entirely dull, with a few barbs thrown by Morrison and Albanese.

‘I’ve had this argument with Matt Canavan several times’: Hanson raises national ownership of natural resources

GUY RUNDLE 2 minute read

As One Nation sets its eyes on a Tasmanian Senate seat, Pauline Hanson has accused the Morrison government of giving a "free kick" to Exxon, Chevron and Shell.

Anyone for a hung Parliament? Too early to call, but signs point to an independently minded House


Latest polling and the momentum behind independent candidates mean a hung Parliament could be a real possibility.

‘LinkedIn advantage’: Morrison speaks to hundreds of thousands in Albanese absence

CAM WILSON 3 minute read

Each week the prime minister posts political messages to his 620,000-odd followers on LinkedIn, but Labor is nowhere to be seen.

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