Picking apart the accepted wisdom.
AUGUST 22, 2020

These COVID weeks are becoming a blur — a melange of death and fear, lockdown, closed borders and lost freedoms, all spiced up with dashes of hope and pure craziness. Crikey’s job is, as ever, to pick apart the accepted wisdom of much of politics and the news media, and shed light where there is dark.

To that end, this week we’ve come at the pandemic in all manner of ways, from economics (the housing market and inflation) and health (the vaccine “deal”) to politics (the government’s failings on aged care) and cannabis (apparently we are more stoned than usual — who knew?). It would be exhausting to list them all, but here’s a top three: Bernard Keane’s Postcard from Australia, Guy Rundle’s paean to Melbourne’s lockdown, and a suite of articles by conflict of interest reporter Georgia Wilkins.

Of course, there is more to life than COVID-19 (even if it doesn’t seem like that). Crikey’s week started on a high note with news that Amber Schultz’s Inq reporting on the abuse of disabled Australians had prompted an inquiry into one case (and hopefully others), and ended with a special Crikey Talks webinar with Labor leader Anthony Albanese. (If you haven’t signed up to Inside Access yet, we encourage you to do so.) Albo talked so much with me and Keane that he suggested we do it again soon — would love to do that, but first we are going to invite the PM and treasurer. As with our first Crikey Talks event with Malcolm Turnbull, I’m sure readers would have a heap of questions for Josh Frydenberg and Scott Morrison.

Of course, there are many lighter sides to Crikey. One of my favourites this week was Charlie Lewis’ short piece on what Apple could buy with its A$2.7 trillion valuation (it could “buy” Australia with it, if it were clear who’d be selling), and I also liked Charlie’s quick run-through on the members of Trump’s inner circle who have faced or are facing criminal charges. On US politics, I’d recommend Rundle on the Democratic convention and Richard Holden on Joe Biden’s economic priorities. And to finish back on COVID-19, I’d like to thank all the correspondents in Crikey’s Missing Voices series — we asked for views and reflections on the pandemic from Australians over 70 years old. Your responses have been truly inspirational. Keep them coming.

Have a great weekend,

Peter Fray

Postcard from Australia: corruption and contagion tarnish a sunny South Pacific face

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

While the idyllic South Pacific monarchy of Australia presents a successful face to the world, corruption and incompetence mean trouble for local strongman Scott Morrison.

Taskforce launched after Inq’s investigation into alleged neglect in the disability sector

AMBER SCHULTZ 2 minute read

Georgi Hadden is finally having her claims of abuse and neglect taken seriously.

All the president’s men (who’ve faced criminal prosecution)

CHARLIE LEWIS 3 minute read

Steve Bannon is just one of more than half a dozen of Trump's associates to face criminal charges.

The right is wrong: we are embracing COVID lockdown as freedom, not jail
If one effect of COVID-19 is to hasten the discrediting of a simplistic philosophy that ran like a virus through the past decades, we will be on the way to a hard-earned immunity.

By which point, of course, the right will be comparing us to North Korea or the Death Star, or political fantasies beyond even that. — Guy Rundle

So Victoria is a dictatorship for imposing on its people something they enthusiastically support? Guy Rundle asks why the right’s finger is so far off the nation’s pulse.

If only Morrison put as much effort into aged care as into marketing a vaccine deal…

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

Scott Morrison's team is masterful at spin and marketing but won't even accept responsibility for the aged care crisis, let alone address it.

Cannabis use soars during pandemic

AMBER SCHULTZ 3 minute read

Most people use marijuana to manage pain — and boredom. Now, as lockdown drags, medicinal cannabis approvals have reached new highs.

A week in conflict

From Lib staffer to big pharma: an unsurprising journey of lobbying at work

GEORGIA WILKINS 2 minute read

Drug companies and government affairs are inextricably linked, and the recent announcement of a potential COVID-19 vaccine "deal" is proof of that.

Keelty, Porter and the anti-corruption watchdog with fleas

GEORGIA WILKINS 3 minute read

The federal government is quite blatant about its lack of enthusiasm for an integrity body with teeth that will bite.

When it comes to the world of lobbying, words matter

GEORGIA WILKINS 2 minute read

Christopher Pyne isn't a lobbyist, he's a 'strategic adviser'. But what's the difference?

Apple is now valued at $2.7 trillion. What else could you get for that sort of cash?

CHARLIE LEWIS 2 minute read

If we had a trillion dollars... We could buy Australia, New Zealand and most of Micronesia and still have change.

Feel that groceries are going up? You’re dead right — we are in for a shock

JASON MURPHY 3 minute read

Grocery prices are on the rise for the first time in a long time. Combined with a rise in unemployment, and a decline in wages, Australians are about to get a nasty shock.

Albanese speaks out on Witness K
What happened in East Timor was wrong. It should never have happened.

— Anthony Albanese

In a live interview for Crikey’s Inside Access subscribers, the leader of the opposition directly addresses the Witness K persecution for the first time.

What will the pandemic do to house prices and banks?

JASON MURPHY 5 minute read

This is not the global financial crisis. Australian banks and lenders are well prepared, but people with home loans need to stay sharp.

Missing Voices: Dealing with grief and staying connected in these times

CRIKEY 4 minute read

How older Australians are dealing with grief, loss and staying connected during the pandemic.

We need to talk about Richard Colbeck

STEPHEN MAYNE 4 minute read

With the COVID-19 crisis in aged care spinning out of control, is the current minister in charge really the best man for the job?

The rise of Biden

Biden-omics: signposts on the road to reviving the American Dream

RICHARD HOLDEN 4 minute read

Joe Biden's meeting this week with a group of economic advisers gives us a look into the policy priorities of a Biden-Harris White House.

Policies to the left, rhetoric centrist and a Democratic convention best forgot. Now, the fight

GUY RUNDLE 4 minute read

Can the Democrats steamroll Trump with their most 'meh' presidential contender in decades?

The great cybersecurity fraud: government won’t comply with its own rules

BERNARD KEANE 4 minute read

The government constantly insists Australia is under cyber attack — yet nearly three quarters of its departments fail to do even the basics of cybersecurity.

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