The pollies and the billionaire.
JANUARY 24, 2020

Welcome to Crikey Weekender.

Inq lead the way this week with a look at Michael Hintze, the billionaire climate sceptic who counts a host of former Liberals as friends (more than a few of whom ended up working for him). Elsewhere, Scott Morrison was pilloried by the international media, Bernard Keane said goodbye to Cory Bernadi and the world said goodbye to a Python.

And all the while the revelations of Bridget McKenzie’s great sports rort showed no signs of slowing down. Watch this space.

Please drop us a line at and let us know what you thought of the week’s news. Please include your full name if you’d like to be considered for publication (and keep an eye out for a new and improved Crikey Comments coming soon).

Have a great weekend,

Emily Watkins
News editor

The non-meaning of Cory Bernardi, a man less than the sum of his parts

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

Farewell, then, to Cory Bernardi, a man who attacked LGBTIQ people, Muslims, climate science, and reproductive rights, but whose ultimate agenda was his own ego.

Hidden Influence

The minister, the cardinal and the billionaire climate sceptic you’ve probably never heard of

DAVID HARDAKER 7 minute read

He's a conservative billionaire with ties to Tony Abbott, Angus Taylor and George Pell. But who is Michael Hintze?

Conservative pollie in need of a job? Give Michael Hintze a call

DAVID HARDAKER 3 minute read

With so many conservative former politicians landing gigs with ideologue think tanks and cash-flushed hedge funds, it must be asked: who really owns conservative governments?

‘Money talks’: outrage at billionaire climate sceptic’s political donations


Andrew Wilkie, Adam Bandt and Stirling Griff condemn Australia's donations system which can effectively block action on climate change.

The government ditched its own grants website to hide sports rorting

BERNARD KEANE 4 minute read

The government is proud of centralising all Commonwealth grants on one bespoke platform for everyone to see. Until it wanted to hide the sports grants it intended to rort.

Top climate scientist trashes Tony Abbott for using him to deny climate change


'It's frustrating that years and years of research can be dismissed by a politician. The reputation of The Australian is being trashed by publishing utter rubbish.'

Ex-ambo open to offers: Joe Hockey’s plans raise questions about life after public service

STEPHEN MAYNE 4 minute read

Australia's ambassador to the US has spent four years milking Trump contacts. Now he's off to make truckloads of money.

Farewell Terry, goodbye Python. It’s much more than a flesh wound
Farewell Terry, farewell Python, the naughty boys’ messiah, farewell whatever it was, and appropriately I can’t end this obit GIANT PINK FOOT COMES DOWN CREDITS ROLL MARCHING MUSIC PLAYS. — Guy Rundle

Remembering Terry Jones — the naughty boys’ messiah.

‘Something has to give’: Timor-Leste slowdown looms amid government chaos

4 minute read

Timor-Leste is facing the prospect of recession, after a ruling party abstained from supporting its own budget.

Is Scott Morrison really a climate denialist? A linguist turned his skills to the task

TIM MOORE 5 minute read

A closer look at Scott Morrison's words show that he may be saying more about his party's attitudes than originally intended.

What would happen if we all gave up meat, eggs and dairy?

AMBER SCHULTZ 4 minute read

Vegan eating can be better for your health and for the planet. But is it really all upside?

How the Department of Health struggled to distance itself from sports rorts

BERNARD KEANE 5 minute read

The Department of Health says it had little to do with Bridget McKenzie's sports rorts. But the ANAO report shows something quite different.

When it comes to rorts, why is it always the Nationals?

BERNARD KEANE 4 minute read

Nationals ministers are routinely exposed for rorting government programs. Is this the mindset of the whole party?

How Australia can get Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert out of Iranian prison


Without vocal public support and Australian government intervention, the academic is facing 10 years in an Iranian prison.

Australia has the world talking — and we didn’t even need to knock off our leader


Even the Daily Mail, known for its right-wing editorial stance, has turned against Morrison.

Topspin: the papers flogging Rafa’s sponsors to score an interview

CHARLIE LEWIS 2 minute read

The Age took a stand against PR interviews at the Australian Open over the weekend. Who was happy to play the game?

The constitutional validity of Section 51 of the Defence Act is yet to be tested. Any further expansion of these powers would need close scrutiny, and history tells us it wouldn’t come from Labor.

— Charlie Lewis

The legislation allowing Morrison to deploy troops for disaster relief was rushed through without much interrogation — but how constitutionally valid is it?

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