Money was on everyone's mind this week.
FEBRUARY 9, 2019

Money was on every one’s mind this week.

Yes, there was the banking royal commission report, which we covered at length.

Yes, there was a major ramping-up of the franking credits saga, which we laid out in its brazenness.

And yes, there was the NAB fallout.

Washed out by all this was the political donations data, which dropped last Friday. The big donors flow across the economy, from electricity to accounting, and the timing of donations says as much as the donors’ names.

As ever we’re keen to hear what you think, so write to

Have a great weekend,

Bhakthi Puvanenthiran
Managing Editor


Breaking the banks

The ballad of Ken Henry

CHARLIE LEWIS 3 minute read

Ken Henry was a public service legend. Today he stands chastened by a royal commission. What happened?

Morrison would be smart to get cracking on Hayne’s recommendations

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

Rather than hiding from parliament, there is political advantage in Scott Morrison bringing on extra sittings and going hard, early on Kenneth Hayne's royal commission recommendations.

A draft apology for the Liberal Party’s colossal banking fuck-up

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

The Liberals are having trouble saying sorry about the banking royal commission. We're happy to help out.

What Hayne should have done

BERNARD KEANE and GLENN DYER 4 minute read

Kenneth Hayne failed to tackle the structural flaws of the financial industry in his royal commission recommendations. This is what he should have suggested.

Who will be the next ABC chair?

EMILY WATKINS 3 minute read

Whoever takes the reins of the ABC will have some big, troubled shoes to fill. Who do the media think will be up to the task?

Outside Tassie, Labor did best from gambling donations

BERNARD KEANE 2 minute read

If Labor bore the brunt of the gambling industry's power in Tasmania, elsewhere it enjoys a strong relationship with the pokies.

Don’t kid yourself. Labor can still mess this up.

GUY RUNDLE 4 minute read

There is a complacency that has settled across the land: that this is in the bag for Labor. That won't end well.

Look to Spain to solve the Murray-Darling issue

JASON MURPHY 4 minute read

Solving the problem of a common resource the Murray Darling Basin is not a new one. What can we learn from the rest of the world?

Big Four accounting firms emerge as major political donors

BERNARD KEANE 3 minute read

The Big Four accounting firms have emerged as our dominant political donors at a time when we need to regulate them most.

An Apple store in Fed Square would betray the entire city
For sheer nihilistic, headbanging stupidity, you can’t go past the latest move by the privatised Fed Square management, which is to put in an application to demolish the “Yarra Building” (the Alfred Deakin building, as was) ahead of a Heritage Council ruling on the whole of Fed Square, due in a few weeks’ time. — Guy Rundle

It’s a measure of how corroded by cynicism Labor has become that this proposal got anywhere at all. It is an act of political cowardice.

Is my hometown doomed to burn?

BEE SPENCER 4 minute read

People stayed after Ash Wednesday because they thought it was the worst of the worst. They left because Black Saturday showed them it wasn't.

Beware vested interests on the ‘credit squeeze’ and property price spin

BERNARD KEANE and GLENN DYER 3 minute read

The Australian media is screaming about the sky falling but, once again, the facts don't really back that up.

The students fighting to make this the climate change election

CHRIS WOODS 4 minute read

"You don't give the bully the attention. We’ll focus on what we know is real."

Finally, some rare sense in the battle to save Hakeem

3 minute read

DFAT made a deft diplomatic move in the debate around Thailand's detention of Hakeem al-Araibi, saving Thailand some face and allowing Australia some wriggle room.

The dirty fight against Labor’s franking policy


Franking credits will be a huge battleground in this election year. This is how the Libs are taking it on.

Peter Dutton makes early play for 2019’s Arsehat of the Year
The coming election in May is possibly destined to oust [Peter Dutton] from his exceedingly marginal seat. This week shows that, like Pelé in the 1970 world cup, Dutton knows there’s limited time left to display his artistry on the biggest stage, and he’s going to make the absolute most of it. — Charlie Lewis

Dutton was beset by gaffes and slip-ups this week.

Australia needs a royal commission on the pokies 

STEPHEN MAYNE 4 minute read

In the aftermath of the banking royal commission, should we have a royal commission into Australia’s $24 billion-a-year gambling industry?

A (follow-up) guide to Australian denialism


Australia has its fair share of those who reject scientific consensus (and common wisdom).

Singing a different tune: the journalists who changed their minds on the royal commission

ROD MYER 3 minute read

More than a few high-profile commentators have egg on their face following the results of Kenneth Hayne's banking royal commission.

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